Founding Summit
The Launching
In April 2008, after a several meetings between MEP Jaime Mayor Oreja and United States Representative Sue Myrick at the initiative of Congressional advisor Dr. Walid Phares and EIN official Guillermo Martinez Casan in Brussels and Washington, D.C., TAG was launched during an inaugural summit at the Library of Congress.
The Summit
The first TAG summit included a series of sessions moderated by Mayor Oreja and Myrick with speakers including MEPs Pia-Noura Kauppi (Finland), Timothy Kirkhope (UK), Gunnar Hökmark (Sweden), Jana Hybáskava (Czech Republic) and U.S. Reps. Bud Cramer (AL), John Shadegg (AZ), Jane Harmon (TX) and others who discussed policies that could be implemented to more effectively combat the global threat of terrorism and win the war of ideas.
The summit also included an event open to guests. Rep. Myrick and MEP Mayor Oreja delivered opening remarks while Dr. Phares served as a moderator of the panel that included a short address by MEP’s, United States Representatives and other experts in the field such as Professor Anthony Glees (EIN Rapporteur), Jochen Richter (President of CDU Brussels Deputy Head of Cabinet, European Commission), and former MEP Guillermo Martinez-Casan (EIN Network). The first TAG Summit elected Mayor Oreja and Myrick as co-chairs.
A first declaration was signed by the participants of the summit announcing the goals of TAG and its principles for action.
Co-Chair: Rep. Sue Myrick
Co-Chair: MEP Jaime Mayor Oreja